10 Relatable Memes For Designer

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Warning: These memes may cause you to reflect on your life choices and rethink your career. Additional side effects include uncontrollable laughter, the urge to share, and eye-rolling syndrome.

1. When you receive the dumbest suggestion that goes against design principles.

Neon background with red comic sans text

2. The Mantra needed before starting any project.

One does not simple design

3. The joys of design iterations. How many revisions has the client asked for by now?

Go through 8 design iterations

4. Before giving a reply think about whether what was said really came out of the mouth of a person.

Not sure whether the client is...

5. The milestone ever designer goes through.

Design for free...

6. Time for a career change.

Getting a client that makes you...

7. Falling into whims.

So you telling me...

8. *sigh*

You when another javascript library comes out

9. The moment of completion.

When you actually finish...

10. Yesssssss.

Getting a design project approved

Share this post with a designer you know can relate. Which was your favorite? Comment below with the number and a gif of your reaction.

*Since this is my word vomit dumping ground you can find my more refined written words on Medium. I love using this space to explore my journey as a designer and developer while not getting pressed to write in the most splendid manner. Proofreading, revising and consistently editing take up so much time personally. In the past, this has caused me to write less often something I to avoid. My aim is consistency. Added: March 5, 2018. Revised: February 15, 2020.
Updated: February 23, 2020
profile picture of Katherine Delorme

Katherine Delorme is UI/UX Designer with Frontend Development background. She loves creating designs that focus on solving problems more than following trends. Along with exploring how culture can impact design. She's most excited about inclusive design, and exploring how western and international design and usability contrast.

Her hobbies include learning the Japanese language, reading manga, watching anime and western cartoons, volunteering to teach the next generation of girls to code, hosting meetups, designing, and coding.

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